Created 6/19/2020
Updated 2/8/2021
The COVID-19 Preparedness Plan is designed to prevent, and mitigate, or respond to the transmission of COVID-19 in our facility. This plan outlines how the school and staff will implement the MDH and CDC guidelines.
The LHMS COVID-19 Preparedness Plan specifically describes the following:
1. Frequent Handwashing
2. Cleaning and Disinfecting
3. Arrivals and Departures
4. Social Distancing throughout the day
5. Plans for identifying and excluding sick staff, volunteers, and children
6. Source control and cloth face coverings
7. Workplace ventilation
8. Playground use
9. Meals and snacks
10. Field trips and events
11. Communication and training about the plan
1. Frequent Handwashing
· All staff and children are required to wash hands upon arrival, after having been in a public places or after blowing their nose, coughing or sneezing.
· Children are always supervised when using sanitizer. All hand sanitizer is kept out of reach/inaccessible to the children in our facility.
· MDH/CDC guidelines on handwashing procedures with visual steps are posted by all sinks.
· Children are supervised while handwashing and wash for at least 20 seconds.
· Children and staff wash hands before and after meal times and/or handling food.
· Children and staff wash hands after using the toilet or helping a child use the bathroom.
· Children and staff wash hands before and after playing outdoors or in the gym.
· Staff washes hands before and after administering medication or medical ointment
· Staff washes hands after handling garbage.
· Staff will wash hands after assisting a child wash their hands.
· If soap and water are not available, staff and children can use hand sanitizer. (All hand sanitizer provided at LHMS is at least 80% alcohol.)
2. Cleaning and Disinfecting
o LHMS will clean and disinfect at least daily (or more, depending on use patterns) frequently touched surfaces and objects such as:
· Door knobs and handles
· Face shield
· Stair rails
· Classroom desks and chairs
· Lunchroom tables and chairs
· Countertops
· Handrails
· Light switches
· Handles on equipment (e.g., playground and gym toys/play equipment)
· Shared toys
· Shared classroom materials
· Shared telephones
· Shared desktops
· Shared computer keyboards and mouse
Soft surfaces such as carpets, rugs, and drapes can be cleaned using soap and water or a cleaner appropriate for the material.
Machine washable cloth toys should be used by one individual at a time or should not be used at all. These toys should be washed before being used by another child.
Do not share toys with other groups of infants or toddlers, unless they are washed and sanitized before being moved from one group to the other.
Children’s books, like other paper-based materials such as mail or envelopes, are not considered a high risk for transmission and do not need additional cleaning or disinfection procedures.
Use bedding (sheets, pillows, blankets, sleeping bags) that can be washed. Keep each child’s bedding separate, and consider storing in individually labeled bins, cubbies, or bags.
Cots and mats should be labeled for each child. Bedding that touches a child’s skin should be cleaned weekly or before use by another child.
*Green bin is kept in the classroom to keep any mouthed toys/materials or dirty utensils. This bin with its items will be taken to the kitchen to be cleaned and sanitized at the end of each day.
*Rugs are professionally cleaned monthly.
*LHMS is deep cleaned by a professional cleaning service twice a week.
*Staff will minimize the use of other shared supplies when the items are not able to be cleaned regularly. (e.g. paint brushes)
*LHMS uses Ecolab for all sanitizing and disinfecting. Multi Surface Peroxide is used on all surfaces and classroom items that are not mouthed. The M.S.P. must sit for a total of 1 minute to ensure all bacteria and viruses have been eliminated, before being wiped. Quat Sanitizer is used for any and all dirty dishes, and mouthed toys. Objects must be fully submerged in the sanitizer for 1 minute.
*Dirty dishes, or mouthed toys that are dish machine washable, will be cleaned in the dishwasher on site. All items must be air dried.
*If Ecolab products are not available, LHMS will use a bleach solution by mixing 5 tablespoons bleach per one gallon of water OR 4 teaspoons bleach per quart of water. This solution is dumped at the end of the day, and a fresh batch will be made the following day.
*LHMS staff will wear disposable gloves and cloth-mask during any and all disinfecting and sanitizing, and wash hands subsequently.
3. Arrival and Departure
*Updated 10/1/2020*
We are trying to reduce the amount of traffic in our classroom, so we are requesting that parents follow the guidelines below. I know these guidelines are a little complicated so we are asking that parents and caregivers read these carefully to become familiar with them.
Drop off:
Parents and caregivers enter the school with their child. Remove coats and backpack, place them on the child's hook and drop the student off at the door to the classroom. A teacher will greet your child and take their temperature, then if necessary escort them into the room.
Pick-up when the kids are in the gym or in the classroom:
If possible, only one caregiver at pick up only. Enter the classroom and head directly to the gym. Pick up your children in the doorway of the gym. Do not enter the gym.
If you need to bring siblings with you at pick up please use the walkie talkies provided on the shelf outside the classroom. Use the hand sanitizer provided before touching the walkie talkie. Press the labeled button, identify yourself and ask for your child. Do not let your children touch the walkie talkies. Again, the walkie talkies are only if you have other children or adults with you.
Please limit pick-ups and drop-offs to 5 minutes or less.
Because we disinfect the classroom at the end of each day, we ask that you not let your child go into the classroom at pick-up.
We encourage you to either wash your child’s hands before they leave, or use hand sanitizer.
4. Plans for sick children, staff, and volunteers.
· LHMS staff will conduct health checks. This includes screening for children, staff, and volunteers before they enter the classroom, as well as taking children’s temperature at dropoff.
· LHMS follows the guidelines for exclusion to ensure sick individuals and family members stay home when sick which is as follows:
-If staff or students have vomited, and do not have a fever, they may not enter LHMS for at least 24 hours since last vomit and symptoms have improved.
-For diagnosis given such as norovirus, strep throat, staff and students must stay home for at least 24 hours fever free and until symptoms have improved.
If a staff member or student were to show any signs of COVID-19 or is diagnosed, LHMS will follow the Minnesota Department of Health Decision Tree for People with COVID-19 Symptoms which is as follows:
-Individual may be excluded if there is a new onset cough, shortness of breath, OR 2 of the following: fever of 100.4 or higher, rapid breathing, chills, muscle pain, sore throat, loss of smell or taste, gastrointestinal symptoms of diarrhea vomiting or nausea.
-Siblings of any sick students or staff in our facility must also stay home for a total of 14 days.
-Should LHMS need to close due to COVID-19, staff and families will be notified immediately via ProCare text message, and email. If families do not confirm they are aware of the closure within 30 min. of the message being sent, those families will be called by phone till the contact is reached.
-In the event that a student or a staff member tests positive for COVID-19, LHMS may close up to a total of 14 consecutive days. We would notify the Minnesota Health Department and follow their directions.
*The information below is copied directly from the Minnesota Department of Health Decision Tree for Childcare Centers and Home Screening Tool for COVID-19. This document is attached to and is part of the LHMS COVID Preparedness Plan. A copy of this Decision Tree and Home Screening Tool is linked below.
Positive test result: Stay home at least 10 days since symptoms first appeared AND until no fever for at least 24 hours without medication AND improvement of other symptoms. Siblings and household members also stay home for 14 days.
If your child has had close contact (within 6 feet for at least 15 min) in the last 14 days with someone diagnosed with COVID-19, your child must not go to school. The child can return 14 days after the last time they had close contact with someone with COVID-19. They may return after 14 days as long as the child has not developed symptoms or tested positive for COVID-19.
If your child or any other household member is symptomatic (has symptoms consistent with COVID-19) and currently waiting for COVID-19 test results, the child must stay home until they get their test result. Brothers, sisters, and other children living in the house must also stay at home until test results are known.
*If the test result is negative, children can return to school.
*If the test result is positive, children must remain at home and begin a 14 day quarantine period starting on the last day they had contact with the positive case.
*If you choose not to have your child tested, but your child is showing symptoms of COVID-19, you must keep your child home stay at home in isolation for at least 10 days from time symptoms started until symptoms have improved AND no fever for 24 hours (without fever reducing medications).
I know this is confusing, but because the testing for COVID is not 100% accurate at this time, a student needs to stay home for at least 10 days even if the COVID test result is negative.
* Symptoms of COVID-19 include: new-onset cough or shortness of breath by themselves OR at least 2 of the following: fever (100.4ºF or higher), chills, muscle pain, sore throat, fatigue, congestion, loss of sense of smell or taste, or gastrointestinal symptoms of diarrhea, vomiting, or nausea.
Link to Decision Tree:
Link to Home Screening Tool for COVID-19:
5. Social distancing throughout the day
· LHMS will limit the group size of children as much as possible.
· Children may be split into 2 smaller sized, consistent groups.
· At rest time, cots are spaced out as much as possible. When able, children lay head to toe to reduce the potential for viral spread.
· LHMS has a large classroom, playground, and gym. Staff can easily stay 6 feet apart from each other. If staff must be in closer proximity, staff will wear a face mask.
· Staff at LHMS social distances with parents and guardians at pick up and drop off, as much as possible.
6. Source control and cloth face coverings
· Cloth face coverings are an important piece for mitigating the spread of the virus but are most effective if it can stay in place without being pulled on or touched by the person wearing it or others. Within this context, the provider, staff members, and volunteers are required to wear cloth face coverings during the workday as much as possible, recognizing the development needs of the children in our care.
· Children should not wear a face-covering unless they can reliably wear, remove, and handle the cloth face-covering throughout the day. Cloth face coverings should not be put on infants or children younger than 2 because of the danger of suffocation.
· Paper masks are available at request for both staff and parents, should they need to enter the school.
7. Workplace ventilation
· LHMS works to maximize the amount of fresh air being brought in, limit air recirculation and make sure ventilation systems are being properly maintained. LHMS will take steps to minimize airflow blowing across people, when possible.
· Windows are open for the duration of the operating hours, weather permitting.
· Children are encouraged to play outside as much as possible.
· Door is propped open at the end of the day, and prior to opening the school to allow as much fresh air in as possible.
· LHMS has air purifiers for the fall and winter months.
8. Playground use
· Playground use is staggered when necessary, and large groups are minimized.
· Children and adults wash hands before and after touching play structures. When possible, staff will clean highly touched areas of the play structure between groups and at the end of each day.
· LHMS will not be taking children to public playgrounds.
· Ecolab’s multi-surface peroxide disinfectant will be used to disinfect the play structure. One minute must pass before the chemical is wiped away to properly eliminate all viruses and bacteria.
9. Meals and snacks
· Students at LHMS bring bagged lunches from home and are required to bring utensils from home as well. Parents/guardians are encouraged to wash their child’s lunch bag, and ice packs as often as possible.
· Cleaning and disinfecting will occur between seating.
· When possible, LHMS may consider picnic lunches on a washable tarp to eat in fresh air.
10. Field trips and events
· LHMS will not be planning any large group activities for the time being.
· All field trips have been canceled, and none will be scheduled for the time being.
· Should LHMS have an in-house presenter/visitor, the visitor will be screened for sickness before entering and held either outside or in 2 small groups inside.
· When and if necessary, cleaning and disinfecting will occur between groups.
11. Communications and training
· This plan will be available to the Commissioner and offered to families. A copy of this document will be sent to all families that are attending and planning to attend LHMS. Expectations will be made clear as possible in how to use this plan.
· This plan will be posted in a prominent place and readily accessible to all employees of LHMS, as well as substitutes and volunteers.
· Training will be provided to ensure everyone is following the plan. LHMS will keep all individuals informed/updated on any changes to the plan.
· Staff with concerns about their employer’s COVID-19 Preparedness Plan or questions about their rights should contact MNOSHA Compliance at osha.compliance@state.mn.us, or call 651-284-5050 or 877-470-6742
· Staff will sign a document stating they have read the plan, and are aware of where to find it should someone need to read it.
12. COVID Tuition Policy
During the upcoming year it is likely that we will have a positive COVID case at LHMS. In this instance we may have to close the school for up to two weeks. The first time LHMS needs to close, tuition will not be charged. The staff will use this time to prepare for distance virtual learning. During this time, Gay will meet with the board to discuss what the plan will be for any future school closings due to COVID based on the current and projected school budget.
The LHMS tuition policy states there is no reimbursement or discounted tuition for student vacation or missed time. This includes any time a child is home sick.
To ensure the long term survival of our school during this pandemic, we are asking that parents continue to pay tuition when a child needs to quarantine for 14 days. We are a private school and require tuition to stay in operation. Each time a student is out, it can cost the school $500 per student.
-Individual may be excluded if there is a new onset cough, shortness of breath, OR 2 of the following: fever of 100.4 or higher, rapid breathing, chills, muscle pain, sore throat, loss of smell or taste, gastrointestinal symptoms of diarrhea vomiting or nausea.
This quarantine requirement is the best way for us to keep our community healthy. If your child needs to be quarantined multiple times, please talk to Gay about payment.
If another shelter in place order is declared in Minnesota, we will have less staff and we may need to decrease the number of students attending. We will stay open for essential workers children. Additional information will be provided in the upcoming weeks.
If a student or a staff member test positive for COVID-19, the school will close for three days to thoroughly disinfect and ventilate the school. In this case, tuition will not be charged for these three days.
This plan is subject to change without notice. If that happens, we will send out the updated document immediately. It is the parents/caregivers responsibility to read this plan and familiarize themselves with it.
Below is a link to the Minnesota Department of Health Decision Tree for People with COVID-19 Symptoms in Youth, Student, and Child Care Programs.
The following link is the Minnesota Dept. of Health Home Screening Tool for COVID-19 Symptoms.
LHMS COVID-19 Preparedness Policy
This Policy is subject to change at any given time. It is the parents responsibility to familiarize themselves with this document, and ready any changes we may make.